Registration of Birth of a new born child eligible for Indian nationality
A child who is born to any one of Indian parent(s) abroad can acquire Indian Citizenship by Descent and is required to be registered within a year's time. A Birth Certificate is issued by the Embassy to the child after registering his/her name as an Indian national. A separate passport can be issued to the new born as detailed under Passport Services. The following documents are required for Birth Registration:
- Birth certificate from local Angolan hospital
- Birth Registration Certificate from the local provincial authorities with notarised English translation.
- Birth Registration Application Form signed by both the parents.
- Affidavit to be signed by both parents.
- Copy of bothparent’s passports
The above documents with original passports of parents and original birth certificates from local authorities with a photo copy of all documents, first two pages and last two pages of parents’ passport may be submitted. Original will be returned after verification.
It has been made mandatory by Government of India for registering online the birth of a child as an Indian citizen. For detail information applicants are requested to visit the website of Ministry of Home Affairs 
Important points
- A child born outside India on or after 03.12.2004 shall be a citizen of India by descent, if either of the parents (father or mother) is an Indian citizen at the time of birth of the child and the birth of the child has been registered with the concerned Indian Mission abroad within one year of the birth and the parents of the child have to submit a declaration that the child does not hold passport of another country. Approval of the Central Government is necessary in all such cases where the request for such registration is made after the expiry of the said period i.e. after one year.
- A child born abroad to Indian citizen(s) has to be first registered in the Mission as an Indian citizen before a passport is issued.
III. Only those who are born within the jurisdiction of Angola are eligible for Birth registration for Indian Citizenship at the Embassy of India, Luanda.
- The applicants are advised to carefully go through the provisions of the Citizenship Act, 1955 and the rules framed there under to determine their eligibility for Indian citizenship.
- Please go to Ministry of Home Affairs website at
for registration of the child as an Indian Citizenship. Kindly select the last option (Registration of birth of a minor child at an Indian consulate Under Section 4(1) of the Citizenship Act, 1955) for this purpose.
- Click ‘Apply Online’ button to fill up the form.
- Each online application form is meant for one person only. Separate application has to be filed for each child.
- The online form should be filled in Block/Capital letters.
- Furnish information exactly in the manner asked for in the forms, especially the names, address and date of birth. This should match with the Birth Certificate of the child issued by local authority.
- Applicants are required to verify the application details before submitting the online application.
- Once the online application form is submitted by the applicant, then further modifications are not allowed. Hence applicants are requested to check and validate the details before submitting the online application form.
- Applicant needs to upload passport size photograph of the child, and signature of both the parents on the website.
- Applicant needs to upload the requisite documents (Para 4 below) on the website. The uploaded documents should be in pdf format only.
- After filing all the details in the online application form, the form is saved and submitted to the Embassy of India, Luanda.
- As soon as the form is submitted, a MHA File number will be generated automatically and will appear on the screen as an acknowledgement.
- The applicant shall take the print out of the online application form with MHA File number. The application along with the requisite supporting documents as mentioned below (both original and copies) is to be submitted to the Embassy. The documents to be annexed are:
- i) A Copy of the local birth certificate of the child
ii) A copy of the Indian Passport of both the parents
iii) A copy of the certificate of Indian citizenship if acquired by registration/naturalization
iv) A copy of the marriage certificate of the parents
v) A declaration that the minor child does not hold the passport of any other country.
vi) Physical application is to be submitted personally by both the parents at the Mission. If applicant desires to apply for passport of the child then please refer to the Passport section of this website. There will be separate fee for Registration of Birth of Child for Indian Citizenship and Passport Services.